About the Photographer - Coral Poon
About Coral
A Hong Kong photographer, professional in baby photography, newborn photography, mum-to-be photography, pregnancy photography.
5 years experience on child photography
3 years experience on newborn photographer
First Hong Kong-based apprentice of Jade Gao
Active in the international photographic conferences, and bring the latest newborn photography skills to Hong Kong.

These awards belong to our diligent and determined team. Most importantly, we are not able to achieve at a higher level without the support from our customers. I am also grateful for the approval and encouragement from PPAC judges. This pushes us to be more motivated and aims for perfection to capture the precious moment of babies.
2016 PPAC 2nd Half Online Competition
2 works gained sliver award
4 works gained bronze award
2017 PPAC 2nd Half Online Competition
1 work gained gold award
5 works gained sliver award
3 works gained bronze award
Photography Style
To capture the beginning stage of a life by arts, and the state as a newborn which resembles in mommy's womb.
We brought our props from foreign countries, we also handmade our props to aim for excellent quality. All props are sanitized before shooting.